Welcome to CTG Masterclass!

The CTG Masterclass will give you a deeper understanding of CTG and CTG interpretation and offers an incomparable opportunity for obstetricians and midwives to assess and interpret a wide range of real-life obstetric emergencies.

The overall aim of the course is to differentiate between fetal compensation and decompensation to ensure timely and appropriate action.

It is sincerely hoped that by the end of the CTG Masterclass, delegates will be able to recognize features of fetal response to stress on the CTG Trace and also to predict the next change on the CTG Trace.

Please note: Registration will close 4 days before the event.

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Date de début du cours, cliquez dessus pour sélectionner
Si le cours a plus d'un jour, les jours supplémentaires s'affichent en jaune

Price from 425 

Dates de l'événement:
2024-05-30 - 2024-05-31
University of Helsinki
Haartmann Institute, Hall 1
Haartmaninkatu 3, Helsinki, Finland
la faculté:
Kiki Löser, DK
Pia Gustavsson, SE
Susanna Timonen FI

Dates de l'événement:
2024-11-28 - 2024-11-29
Otto Reuchlinweg 996
3072 MD Rotterdam
la faculté:
Susana Pereira, UK
Pia Gustavsson, SE
Ajoutez le nom complet et l'adresse e-mail pour tous les billets
UGS : NA0010 Catégorie :

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